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Zip, Zippy, Zoom!

DAY 26 - Z

Yay! It's the last day of this wonderful challenge and now, looking back it has zipped by! Thank you to those who I have met and those who organized! It was really fun! #atozchallenge

So, what will I do after this challenge with regards to blogging? Now that I have blogged each day - except Sundays - for the month of April on almost everything going on in my life...what direction do I go from here?

First, I think I am going to enjoy some family time as my father, Grampa Doug and Gramma' B are here for a visit from Kelowna. We also have just had Jordyn's great aunt, Sharon, here for a quick visit. It's been a wonderful and busy few days, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

The greatest part of life is family and I have a feeling that is what direction I will be going in. There are big things happing in the, let's ZOOOOOM forward and enjoy each and every moment in between!

Below are some photos of this past weekend with the grandparents:

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