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DAY 21 - U

Today's post is about me being amazed and ultra proud of our little angel who is 17 months today! It's also about time and how fast it goes by once you have kids. It's UNBELIEVABLE, UNREAL and UNLIKELY to slow down.

Everyone says this, how fast time flies, but you don't realize it until months have passed and vrooom! Like a gust of wind, you turn your head and your little one is almost a year and a half! My parent friends all agree that no matter what the age, it takes you by storm.

Below are a couple of pics of Jordyn today in her little dress - for the first time this year we're finally warm as can be! (I think I burnt my arms and nose.) Jordyn helped me with some gardening, potting and transporting rocks from one side of the yard to the other all while chowing down on Cheerios and yelling "daDA!" Her toddlertude is really starting to show now. She's super chatty, screeches when you chase her, babbles constantly and points at everything in the sky demanding you tell her what it is multiple times. She's had a rediscovery of her belly button and pretty much knows every feature on the face; eyebrow, nostrils, cheeks, forehead, hair, ears, eyes, mouth, nose, chin and eyelashes and she points to each and every one. Her memory is amazing! (Biased, maybe!)

Now that she's walking (since Jan) we've been really excited to explore this summer together with her and show her so much. She loves playing in the yard with water buckets, rocks, the hose and I'll let the cats out every once in a while for her to chase. I've even brought the highchair out! Less mess for me to clean up! Yay!

What are some good backyard activities for tots that you know of or have done? I am always looking for new things to do!

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